Rolled Oats

Rolled Oats
Rolled Oats

Rolled Oats

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Rolled Oats

Rolled oats is a whole grain made from oat groats. It is the most versatile of all the processed oats available. You can use it in cookies, muffins, breads, porridges, granolas, smoothies and more.


  • High in Omega-3 Fats
  • High antioxidant properties
  • Rich in dietary fibre
  • High in plant based Protein

Rolled Oats may:

  • Aid Heart Health
  • Improve Cholesterol
  • Help keep blood sugar levels stable
  • Aid in weight control

Nutritional's per 100g:

Oil 3,7g Sodium 30mg, Protein 18g, Potassium 813mg, Calcium 25%, Iron 31%, Magnesium 98%


  • Sprinkle over your breakfast cereal or yogurt
  • Add to your cakes & muffins
  • Add to smoothies
  • Add to water as an egg substitute




Products are produced in a factory that pack tree nuts, sesame, soya, gluten and dairy.

Some benefits of Rolled Oats & incorporating them into your diet.

Rolled oats, a staple in many kitchens around the world, offer a plethora of health benefits and are a versatile ingredient that can easily be incorporated into any diet. This article delves into the numerous advantages of eating rolled oats and provides practical tips for integrating them into your daily meals.

Nutritional Profile of Rolled Oats
Rolled oats are whole oats that have been dehusked, steamed, and then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers. This process preserves most of the nutrients, making rolled oats a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They are particularly high in manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Additionally, rolled oats are a great source of protein and complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy throughout the day.

Health Benefits of Eating Rolled Oats
1. Heart Health
Rich in a type of soluble fiber known as beta-glucan, rolled oats can significantly lower cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Beta-glucan helps in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol. This fiber also aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

2. Blood Sugar Control
The soluble fiber in rolled oats can help control blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion process and the release of glucose into the bloodstream. This makes rolled oats an excellent dietary choice for people with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

3. Digestive Health
The high fiber content in rolled oats promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. Fiber aids in the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, contributing to a healthy gut microbiome.

4. Weight Management
Eating rolled oats can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. This can be particularly beneficial for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The slow digestion of complex carbohydrates in oats also means a more controlled energy release, preventing spikes in blood sugar that can lead to cravings.

5. Skin Health
Oats contain compounds called avenanthramides that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can soothe skin irritation and inflammation. This is why oats are often found in natural skin care products.

Incorporating Rolled Oats into Your Diet
Rolled oats are incredibly versatile and can be used in various dishes throughout the day. Here are some ideas:

Breakfast: Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal. Customize it with fruits, nuts, seeds, or a spoonful of honey or maple syrup for added flavor.
Smoothies: Add rolled oats to your smoothies for a fiber boost and a thicker texture.
Baking: Use rolled oats in baking recipes for bread, muffins, cookies, and granola bars.
Savory Dishes: Incorporate rolled oats into meatloaf, burgers, or vegetarian patties as a binder and for added nutrients.

Some facts about Rolled Oats

Rolled oats are a type of lightly processed whole-grain food known for their health benefits and culinary versatility. They originate from the oat plant (Avena sativa), which has been cultivated for thousands of years. The history and facts surrounding rolled oats provide insight into their nutritional value and the reasons behind their popularity in various cuisines around the world.

Origin and History
Ancient Beginnings: Oats have been consumed by humans for millennia. They likely originated in the Fertile Crescent region of the Near East but were less popular than other grains due to their harder husk. Oats began to spread throughout Europe as a result of migration and trade.
A Staple for the Scots: Oats have been a staple in Scotland for centuries, more so than in any other country, likely due to the harsh climate that suited the hardy oat plant more than wheat. Traditional Scottish porridge made from oats is renowned worldwide.
Industrial Revolution Impact: The method of rolling oats to flatten them into the form we are familiar with today became popular during the Industrial Revolution. This process made oats easier to cook and more palatable, increasing their popularity.

Nutritional Facts
Rich in Nutrients: Rolled oats are a great source of carbohydrates, fiber (especially beta-glucan), protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, and B vitamins.
Beta-Glucan: This soluble fiber is known for its ability to lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health. It also helps in regulating blood sugar levels, making oats beneficial for people with diabetes.
Antioxidants: Oats contain a high level of antioxidants, particularly avenanthramides, which are almost exclusively found in oats. These compounds help in reducing blood pressure and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effects.

Culinary Uses
Versatility: Rolled oats can be used in a variety of dishes, from breakfast porridges and oatmeal to baking recipes like cookies, bread, and muffins. They can also be added to smoothies for extra fiber or used as a thickener in soups and stews.
Preparation: The rolling process partially cooks the oats, which shortens the cooking time. Rolled oats can be prepared quickly by boiling them in water or milk, making them a convenient and nutritious food option.

Environmental and Agricultural Aspects
Sustainability: Oats are considered a sustainable crop. They have a lower water footprint compared to other grains and can grow in poor soil conditions, which makes them an environmentally friendly choice.
Crop Rotation: Oats are often used in crop rotation systems. They can improve soil health and reduce the risks of pests and diseases for subsequent crops.

Why rolled oats are great for Athletes

Rolled oats are an excellent dietary choice for athletes due to their unique nutritional profile, energy-boosting carbohydrates, protein content, and overall health benefits. Here are several reasons why rolled oats stand out as a great food for athletes:

1. Sustained Energy
Rolled oats are a rich source of complex carbohydrates, which are essential for athletes because they provide a steady release of energy during prolonged physical activities. Unlike simple sugars, the complex carbs in oats are digested slowly, ensuring a consistent energy supply without the rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This makes oats an ideal pre-workout meal for endurance sports or long training sessions.

2. Rich in Protein
While oats are primarily known for their carb content, they also offer a good amount of protein, which is crucial for muscle repair and growth. The protein in oats can help athletes meet their increased protein needs for muscle recovery after intense workouts or competitions.

3. Weight Management
The high fiber content in rolled oats can aid in weight management, which is often a consideration for athletes looking to maintain an optimal weight for their sport. Fiber-rich foods like oats can increase feelings of fullness and reduce hunger, helping athletes manage their calorie intake more effectively.

4. Heart Health
Athletes require a healthy cardiovascular system to perform at their best, and rolled oats contribute positively to heart health. The beta-glucan fiber in oats has been shown to lower bad LDL cholesterol without affecting the good HDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. A healthy heart ensures efficient circulation and oxygen delivery to muscles during exercise.

5. Rich in Micronutrients
Rolled oats are packed with important vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc, which are vital for energy production, oxygen transport, muscle contraction, and overall athletic performance. The presence of these nutrients helps in ensuring that athletes' micronutrient needs are met, supporting both their performance and recovery.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The avenanthramides found in oats have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in reducing inflammation and aiding recovery after intense workouts. Reducing inflammation can help in quicker recovery, less soreness, and improved performance in subsequent workouts or events.

7. Versatility in Diet
Oats are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into an athlete's diet in many ways—cooked as oatmeal for breakfast, added to smoothies for a nutrient boost, used in baking for healthy snacks, or even incorporated into savory dishes. This versatility ensures that athletes can benefit from the nutritional advantages of oats without getting bored of eating them.

Some dishes that use Rolled Oats

Rolled oats are a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, ranging from traditional breakfasts to innovative snacks and hearty dinners. Here are some popular dishes that utilize rolled oats, showcasing their adaptability in both sweet and savory recipes:

1. Classic Oatmeal
The most common way to enjoy rolled oats is in oatmeal, also known as porridge. Oatmeal is made by cooking rolled oats in water or milk until they become soft. This dish can be customized with a variety of toppings, such as fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, maple syrup, or spices like cinnamon. It's a comforting, nutritious breakfast option that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.

2. Overnight Oats
Overnight oats are a no-cook method of making oatmeal. Rolled oats are soaked in milk or a milk alternative, along with yogurt and optional sweeteners or flavorings. The mixture is left in the refrigerator overnight, allowing the oats to absorb the liquids and soften. In the morning, the oats are ready to eat, cold, straight from the fridge. This method is perfect for those who need a quick, grab-and-go breakfast.

3. Oat Pancakes
For a wholesome twist on traditional pancakes, rolled oats can be blended into the batter. The oats add a hearty texture and nutritional boost to the pancakes, making them more satisfying and healthful. These pancakes can be served with standard toppings like maple syrup and fresh berries.

4. Baked Goods
Rolled oats are a staple ingredient in many baked goods, including cookies (like the classic oatmeal raisin), muffins, bread, and granola bars. Oats add a chewy texture, nutty flavor, and nutritional value to these items, making them a preferred choice for healthier baking options.

5. Smoothies
Adding rolled oats to smoothies can increase their fiber content and thicken them up, making the smoothies more filling and satisfying. The oats blend well with various ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein powders, creating a balanced meal in a glass.

6. Savory Dishes
Rolled oats can also be used in savory dishes. They can act as a binder in meatballs, meatloaf, or vegetarian patties, replacing breadcrumbs for a gluten-free option. Additionally, oats can be added to soups and stews as a thickener, or used as a topping for savory crumble dishes, providing a crunchy texture.

7. Granola
Homemade granola is another delicious way to use rolled oats. Mixed with nuts, seeds, sweeteners, and sometimes dried fruits, then baked until crispy, granola can be enjoyed as a snack, a yogurt topping, or even as a cereal alternative.

Rolled Oats

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Khanyisa Gantsho

The quality of these oats is incredible. I don't know if I can ever go back to store bought rolled oats after this, the taste and texture of these oats is the best I've ever had. They are also well packaged, clean (no funny business filler) and store well. The price is also great, not just for the high quality we get but also generally compared to what's on the market. So glad to have found this store.

Royston Spires

Package well packed and delivered in 3 working days.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Khanyisa Gantsho

The quality of these oats is incredible. I don't know if I can ever go back to store bought rolled oats after this, the taste and texture of these oats is the best I've ever had. They are also well packaged, clean (no funny business filler) and store well. The price is also great, not just for the high quality we get but also generally compared to what's on the market. So glad to have found this store.

Royston Spires

Package well packed and delivered in 3 working days.